Ali Emrouznejad
Professor and Chair in Business Analytics
Director, Centre for Business Analytics in Practice
University of Surrey, United Kingdom
Research Interest: Big data, Artificial intelligence and data mining, Data mining and big data as well as mathematical modelling for performance measurement and management
Zeshui Xu
IEEE Fellow; IFSA Fellow; Chang Jiang Scholar of the Ministry of Education of China; Distinguished Young Scholar of NNSF of China; Sichuan University, China
Research Interest: fuzzy systems, uncertain decision making, computing with words, and aggregation operators
Hongbo Jiang
Distinguished Professor and Vice Dean
College of Computer Science and Electronic Engineering, Hunan University, China
Research Interest: computer networking, especially, wireless networks, and mobile computing
Yilun Shang
Associate Professor
Northumbria University
Research Interest: Complex networks and systems
Sergey V. Bezzateev
ITMO University, Russia and Aerospace Instrumentation University
Research Interest: Information security systems, error correction decoders for communications, modeling and simulation of communications systems.
Anand Nayyar
Duy Tan University
Research Interest: Wireless Sensor Networks, Energy Efficient Routing Protocol, Swarm Intelligence, Ant Colony Optimization, Live Hardware Based Wireless Sensor Network Protocol Development over MSP430 Based WSN Kit
Pascal Lorenz
University of Haute-Alsace
Research Interest: QoS, Wireless Networks and High-Speed Networks
Grigorios N. Beligiannis
University of Patras
Research Interest: Artificial Intelligence; Computational Intelligence; Machine Learning
Dmitry A. Zaitsev
Odessa State Environmental University
Research Interest: Networking Technology, Modeling of Systems and Networks, Operating Systems, System Software, Information Technology, Data Bases, Computer Graphics
Yufeng Zhang
University of Birmingham
Research Interest: Sustainability, Digitalisation and Engineering Innovation
Hassen Fourati
Associate Professor
University Grenoble Alpes
Research Interest: Estimation and observation theory, linear and nonlinear systems, Kalman filter and observers, multi-sensors data fusion, artificial intelligence and learning for better navigation, traffic state prediction and estimation, urban mobility
Mohammad H. Nadimi-Shahraki
Universiti Putra Malaysia
Research Interest: Data mining and analysis methods, machine and deep learning methods, nature-inspired algorithms
Umar Saleem
The Northwestren Polytechnical University
Research Interest: HVAC Transmission Lines Protection, HVDC Transmission Lines Protection, Substation protection & Switch Gear, Artificial Intelligence Techniques, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Aviation Electric System, Battery management
Ashish Sachdeva
Manav Rachna University
Research Interest: Robust and Low power SRAM design, Emerging Memories, Circuit Design in Technology beyond CMOS, Reliability Aware design, Current Mode Circuits, Genetic Algorithm
Li Tao
School of Computer and Information Engineering, Henan Normal University
Research Interest: Big Data Mining, Evolutionary Computation, Machine Learning, Bioinformatics
Teh Sin Yin
Universiti Sains Malaysia
Research Interest: Statistical Theory and Methods, Statistical Quality/Process Control, Robust Statistics, Data Mining, Business Analytics, Industrial Engineering, Operations Management, TRIZ Theory of Inventive Problem Solving
Marcin Paprzycki
Systems Research Institute, Polish Academy of Sciences
Research Interest: Intelligent systems, software agents and agent systems, application of semantic technologies
SRM Institute of Science and Technology
Research Interest: Medical Image Processing, Software Engineering, Software Testing & Design
Syed Masroor Anwar
University of Azad Jammu & Kashmir
Research Interest: Quality Control, Bayesian Inference, and applied Statistics
Ambe Harrison
University of Buea, College of Technology
Research Interest: Explicit Solar models, Solar Photovoltaic emulation, Control and optimization of PV systems, IoT Monitoring of PV systems, Detection and mitigation of partial shading in PV systems, Climatic resource estimation, Power system optimization, New Optimization algorithm
Farooque Azam
School of Computer Science and Engineering at REVA University
Research Interest: Operating System, Computer Network, C++, Finite Automata and formal languages, Python
Prem Kumar Singh
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Gandhi Institute of Technology and Management
Research Interest: Concept lattice, Complex Data, Graph Analytics, Scientrometrics, and Mathematical Consensus
Heng Yu
School of Computer Science, University of Nottingham Ningbo China
Research Interest: Adaptive and reliable embedded systems, AI in embedded computing
Shashi Kant Gupta
Eudoxia Research University
Research Interest: Cloud computing, Big Data Analytics, IoT and Computational Intelligence-based Education
Jie Wang
School of Software Engineering, Tongji University
Research Interest: Modeling and performance evaluation of networked systems, edge/mobile computing, and federated learning
Ajay Kumar Dwivedi
Nagarjuna College of Engineering and Technology
Research Interest: Microwave Engineering, Microprocessor, Wireless communication, Antenna & Wave Propagation
Abdul Shakoor
Electrical Engineering at NUST College of EME
Research Interest: Multi-level inverters and isolated converters
Syed Muhammad Mohsin
COMSATS University Islamabad
Research Interest: Computer Science
Jiaping Xiao
Nanyang Technological University
Research Interest: Cyber-physical systems, intelligent systems, machine vision, robot learning and artificial intelligence
Thattapon Surasak
King Mongkut’s University of Technology North Bangkok
Research Interest: Applied Science
Nitalaksheswara Rao Kolukula
Department of CSE, School of Technology GST, GITAM University
Research Interest: Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Data Mining and Data Engineering
Yujia Zhai
University of California
Research Interest: Math library optimization, performance analysis/modelling/optimization
Ubaid ur Rehman
International Islamic University
Research Interest: Fuzzy Sets, Generalizations of Fuzzy Sets, Generalizations of Complex Fuzzy Sets, Bipolar Complex Fuzzy Sets, Aggregation Operators, Similarity, Distance & Entropy Measures, Fuzzy Relations, Fuzzy Graph Theory, Graph Algorithms, Multi-Attribute Decision Making, Medical Diagnosis in Fuzzy Environment, Pattern Recognition & Cluster Analysis, Soft Set Theory, N-Soft Set Theory, Rough Set Theory
Stefano Mariani
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Politecnico di Milano
Research Interest: Ductile fracture, Damage and fracture in quasi-brittle materials, Parameter identification via Kalman filtering, Reliability analysis of MEMS (Micro-Electro-Mechanical-Systems) subject to shocks, Structural health monitoring through MEMS sensors.
Bedir Tekinerdogan
Research Interest: Software/systems engineering and information technology
Ehsan Saeedizade
University of Nevada-Reno
Research Interest: Software Engineering, Machine Learning (ML), DevOps, and Software Systems
Dominik Luczak
Poznan University of Technology
Research Interest: Motion control, system identification, parameter estimation, system monitoring and diagnostics using digital signal processing
Paramita Sarkar
University of Calcutta
Research Interest: Optimization in resource scheduling algorithm
Nasir Saleem
Gomal University
Research Interest: Speech Processing, Audio-Visual Speech Processing, Biomedical Signal Processing, Speech Emotion Recognition, Deep Learning/Machine Learning
Libor Pekař
Tomas Bata University
Research Interest: Time delay systems, their stability, analysis and control; Algebraic control approaches; Heat-exchanger modelling and control; Relay-based identification and autotuning; Numerical optimization methods
Lalit Chettri
Government of Sikkim
Research Interest: 5G Wireless Technology, 6G, Wireless Telemedicine System, Advanced digital signal processing, Cognitive radio, Internet of Things, Green Communications, Green Technology, Radar and Smart Technologies
Virender Ranga
Delhi Technological University
Research Interest: Computer Science Information Systems
Majid Roohi
Aarhus University
Research Interest: Control Theory and Application, Cyber Security, Deep Reinforcement Learning, Stochastic systems, Data Sciences, Optimization, Numerical Analysis, Fractional Calculus, Chaos Theory, Artificial Neural Networks, Image Encryption, Interpolation and Approximation
Vineet Dhanawat
Research Interest: Machine learning, artificial intelligence, and integrity
Raul Duarte Salgueiral Gomes Campilho
Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto
Research Interest: Material characterization, Polymers, Composite materials, Material joining processes, Adhesive joints, Finite element method, Fracture mechanics, Cohesive zone models, Extended finite element method, Advanced manufacturing systems, Flexible production, Automation and robotics, Industrial design, Underwater robotics
Carlos Cunha
Polytechnic University of Viseu
Research Interest: Information Sciences andTechnologies
Pavan Kumar Shukla
Noida Institute of Engineering and Technology
Research Interest: 5G Technology, Optical Communications, EMFT & Antenna and Wave Propagation, Digital Communication, Analog Communication, Satellite Communication, Microwave Engineering
Adichunchanagiri University
Research Interest: Computer Science and Engineering
Jupeng Ding
Yantai Nanshan University, Xinjiang University
Research Interest: Wireless Optical Communication and Networking, Visible Light Communication, Free-Space Optical Communication, Integration of Optical and Wireless Technologies, Theoretical and Key Technologies of 5G & 6G Mobile Communication
Ahmad Ali
Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Research Interest: Big Data Analytics, Deep Learning, Machine Learning, Data Science, Platform and Infrastructure (Clouds), Energy Efficiency, IoT, Cloud, Edge, and Fog Computing
Mohammad Javad Ebadi
Chabahar Maritime University
Research Interest:Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Fractional Calculus, Numerical Optimization, (Meta)Heuristic Techniques for Optimization, Numerical Analysis, Nonsmooth Analysis, Image Processing, Data Envelopment Analysis, Fuzzy Mathematics, Optimal Control, Fuzzy Stochastic Differential Equations, Dynamic Programming
Xiaochun Cheng
Swansea University
Research Interest:AI, Security
University of Carthage
Research Interest:Applied Mathematics